We Gave These Social Media Enthusiasts a Galaxy Note 4. See What They Did

on December 4, 2014
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We’ve been posting quite a few cool videos about the Galaxy Note 4 this week and we have been tweeting about it. Yes, we have a twitter channel to keep you updated about all the cool stuff Samsung is doing. Anyway…



here are some of the cool videos that we tweeted about that worth a second look. Bon appetite!



We gave 4 Instagrammers a Galaxy Note 4 and a Drone, this is what we got



We gave a Sanpchat artist a Galaxy Note 4, this is what we got



We gave a Vine star a Galaxy Note 4, this is what we got


It is pretty cool what these social media enthusiasts can do with the Galaxy Note 4. What do you think? Do you think you can do better? Or what would you do with the Galaxy Note 4. Leave a comment to let us know. Thanks!

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