The Premium Suite Upgrade for Galaxy S III, Part 2

on December 10, 2012
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* Availability and timing of the Premium Suite upgrade will vary depending on the country and mobile carrier.


Were you happy with the Premium Suite Introduction Part 1? Well here come the rest!



Powerful Multimedia


(1) Paper Artist: You can make a picture like a pop artist! Change the moods of your pictures whenever you want!


(2) Camera, Low Light Shot: It’s always tough to take pictures in dark places. So the GALAXY S III with Premium Suite has a Low-Light-Shot  function. Get your hands on one and check out the difference!


(3) Camera, Best Face: The problem with group pictures? Somebody always, ALWAYS blinks. Well, Best Face is your solution to that.  Best Face takes 5 consecutive pictures and lets you choose the best face for each person among those shots.



New Features & Better Accessibility


(1) Easy Mode: For first-time smartphone users and/or those who are really really, well, lazy. This function helps you set up the most five frequently used widgets on the home screen, so you don’t have to be tired of looking everywhere to find those apps.


(2) Sound Balance: You can adjust the balance of volume one each side of earphones.


(3) Setup Wizard: After turning on your cell phone, you can see the accessibility menu right away on the screen.


(4) Camera Easy Snap: With ‘talk back’ and ‘face detection’ on your settings menu, the GALAXY S III tells you how many faces it can detect on the camera preview.


Samsung Tomorrow covered some of the main features that were added with the Premium Suite upgrade for GALAXY S Ⅲ. Which did you like most? We hope these innovative and convenient functions help you better enjoy your SMART life!


** All functionality, features, specifications and other product information provided in this document including, but not limited to, the benefits, design, pricing, components, performance, availability, and capabilities of the product are subject to change without notice or obligation.


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