Fun at work : Somebody call for a messenger?

on April 10, 2013
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Printers are widely used in offices large and small. But, how do people usually feel about printers? Printers tend to be seen as a bit, well, boring. Well this is a video from our team in Poland and they seemed to have had some fun with printers in the office.

The video opens with scenes from a regular office, where everybody is working hard doing regular office-type things. Things get a little more interesting when one of the office staff gets a surprise printout. She hasn’t printed anything recently. The page holds an invitation for a “weekend away together.” Curious.

smart printing

Having no idea who sent her this unexpected offer, she looks around the office to find the creator of this secret invitation. Needless to say, she’s a little bit nervous.

smart printing

Scanning the bustling office, she notices a young, handsome man who is smiling to her. He holds the smartphone in his hand. Aha! Could this be her secret admirer?

smart printing

The discovery of this office Romeo sets off a series of messages, sent effortlessly across the office using Wi-Fi printing. Before long, they’ve decided on a weekend away in the mountains.

smart printing

When several minutes pass and no messages appear, the guy starts to get worried.

And worry he should. As his boss approaches, he can clearly see her holding a message that definitely wasn’t intended for her. Looks like he’s switched from the mountains to the hot seat!

smart printing

Regardless of what happens next, the moral of this story is this:
Samsung SmartPrint’s Wireless printing brings people together, or at least tries to help =P

For more on the making of this video, check out below!


fun at work

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